Hotaru is so nice... despite the style.
I hardly ever found a Masha song great on first listen... (probably except Keshin) but for some strange reasons mostly of them inevitably end up becoming favourites played over and over without me getting sick of them. (and thats largely independent of my love for Masha himself :D)
anyway FM has been so active for the past 3 years I kind of feared that he will burn out... after all he's the type that likes to do things at his own pace and take prolonged breaks from time to time. Last yr with Keshin I almost thought he was about to become depressed... @__@ LOL but I think with Ryoma this yr... he has picked up so well~ and has thus given fans so much more reasons to be joyous. ^___^
Please continue to be this way~ *hearts*
---------------------------------a line to separate one obsession from another------------
I haven't blogged in english for a while... for the past 1 month plus i have been playing hard with my imaginary friends again... LOL ie. watching slamdunk for the 50th time probably. Really felt like a good catch-up with high school friends... Yes... maybe I attended PLC, but at the same time i also attended this other high school called Slamdunk~ LOL
and ideas for the new story i want to tell just kept coming~ coming~... even after the trauma of losing my initial draft...
probably for the rest of my life the only things I will have real passion writing for are slamdunk fanfics... *horror* *but maybe its not that bad!*
the greatest revelation this time: after reading SD for 10+ yrs... I finally realised what an awesome intelligent person Rukawa is... for the past 10+ yrs i thought he's this mere single cell organism with low IQ + EQ and who can't do anything except basketball... LOL
and Jin-san, Maki-san, and Kiyota-chan~ you guys really really felt like friends from high school... ^___^ i hope i can push forward with this story about all you three lovely ppl.