these days some korean dramas freak me out.
they are not just bad, they are so insightless to the point of being freaky. and the serious non-romantic ones are the worst.
i prob get more cortisol surge from watching 10 mins of those than when my aggro pt attempted to spit at me.
it happens in a vicious cycle:
procrastinating - jap drama episodes for the wk not yet out - bored - browsing and seeing a preview with pretty people and nice dresses - ah its so pretty i will just watch one episode and see how it is like - traumatised after 10mins - dissatisfied - going on to hunt for the next atrocious one....
i couldnt help but to be fondly reminiscent of Queen Inhyun's Man.
went back and watched it for the Nth time.
didn't really find the 2 main actors or the time-traveling storyline particularly appealing at the start--
but after just a few episodes, i was completely won over, and the 2 of them became so adorable in my eyes.
and the music was so memorable. It is a pity the best bits didn't get included in the OST.
i haven't followed news about lee junki for a while, but apparently he's considering a series set in 1930s SH with lots of fighting involved~ *starry eyes* oh please do take on the role and at least do part of the filming in SH~~~ :D
i guess i much preferred jap dramas from last season than this one, but its always a joy to see Shota Matsuda in a leading role. had an inclination to pay more attention to ojisans hence forgot about him from time to time...XD but... always liked his acting and the shows he picked. last time i saw him was in Don Quixote. Seriously i think its such a gd series that it really should be used as some form of depression prevention.
this guy never gets his hair right in any shows... 囧 but i like him... even in Afro Tanaka~~ LOL
beautiful Masato-sama is getting married this mth! (in case ppl still don't know) i think his face has gone round by at least one size in the last press pic i saw... but its ok. elevated BMIs can be forgiven, if you are now a happy man. ^__^
and lastly... Galileo-sensei...
....why did you have to be so romantically ridiculous in the first episode...? lol germanium in a jewellery box...?! what on earth...
but yes i am won over again, and so happy to see KOH+ back in action. the new song you wrote for kou-chan i think is better than the last one~~ :D
and Masha's latest asashi super dry ad was so good it actually made me want to drink beer~~~ @.@
now that's too much information. i will stop procrastinating and go bk to the books.