The amazing things of life

Yesterday was out dinnering with friends and then looked at my phone.. 1 sms and 1 missed call... missed call from Yi Qiu...ran her back and she was like: Just to tell u Sherlock Holmes is on abc now... then check the sms... from dave... and he was like : just to tell u Sherlock Holmes is on at 8:30... I was very touched... very touched indeed... YQ and Dave... u guys reali feel like older bro and sis to me... who even bother to remember and pay attention to a younger sis's silly obsessions... *sob sob*
More amazing thing 2day: the student i've started to tutor added me on his msn and we started talking.... and then I found out that he is a Catholic.... and Moreover.. he was the cousin of a guy in our church.. and he used to come to ECC box hill! We managed to talk about God, and faith. And yup... so great to hav another brother in Christ! And so good that i wouldn't just be wishing him good luck, but can also tell him "God bless!"


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.