The beautiful words spoken

I loved these words and the person who said it to bits, from the time I first heard it till now:

....But remember that, even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone.
When you stand before God you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convenient at the time". This will not suffice. Remember that.

things i reali like i repetitively post in blogs... hope tis is not a repeat^^

anyone still procrastinating and checking this place can take a guess where is this quote from and who's the person that said it... ^___________^


Anonymous 11:06 AM  

cannot guess woh... who is it? someone u haf a crush on? heheh.. kidding...

Anonymous 7:09 PM  

It sounds like a Christian sorta quote (duh) but not quite from the Bible... unless it's a translation I haven't read yet..

It could be Jesus but I don't know if it is... hmm, it's very through provoking. I will remember that quote :)

FLuFFy_BuG 10:14 PM  

hehe... the king from kingdom of heaven ;p

very nice quote... i hope to remember it...

(btw - try my puzzle on my blog?!? hehe)

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