
i am just going to say:
my flesh and my heart has failed so miserably... plus watever else have also failed miserably.
i hope i still have enuf nerves to carry myself thru this exam...
maybe i should pay the price and be prepared to accept wat i do not want... if i am lucky.

Lord help... plz let me look back on this and know your promise still stands true.


Anonymous 6:39 PM  

God has a completely different measuring system from us! your failure is not his.... your success is not always pleasing either.

all i know is you've done what you can with what you've got.

and God is constantly always persistently GOOD.

Trust in that unshakable fact.


YN 7:29 PM  

呜呜呜呜...*hugging tiff*

Anonymous 11:42 PM  

Perhaps this might help, if only for the Sherlock Holmes reference.

p.s. I met ur friend Carrie on the weekend!

YN 10:03 AM  

dear ally
thanx for ur sherlockian goodness...
呜呜呜呜...*more hugs*
will trust and cast my burdens.

Anonymous 10:05 AM  

Known to God from eternity are all His works. —Acts 15:18

Good one! TK

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.