the here and now

Lord, it is a prayer...

that I could stop thinking
stop planning

stop speculating

stop imagining

stop wondering whether or not I will cope 5 hrs from now, 5 days from now, 5 wks from now

Lord, please give me the strength to concentrate on the here and now, and trust you for the next hr, the next day, the next wk, the next month.

Lord, grab hold firm of me. I am not OK, now.


neptunian 1:04 PM  

YN...what's wrong? :( :(

YN 8:06 PM  

*sniffles + hugs*
in a nutshell multiple significant psychosocial stressors. lol
had your exam yet?

Unknown 10:39 PM  

your job is hard!


You will get there - don't know how - but you will get there!

hang in there, girls

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.