prof Galileo

just finished watching Galileo episode 6....
Yuka-sensei is sooooo cute...

the story is about a otaku-ish uni physics professor helping a female inspector solving crimes. His nickname is "eccentric Galileo".
nothing exciting at all abt the physics... reali just for the general population, and i mean the reali "general" population.
but the show is reali carefully made and the actors r reali good.
*still drooling over the cute prof in the show and wanting to go into a uni to check out all the physics profs*...
no worries, i will come bk to reality wen i see lots of balding ojisans with elevated BMI.

anywayz, was reading abt intellectual disability and failing to memorise important bits made me feel very intellectually disabled.
i really think:
intellectual disability could simply mean "your brain falling short of wat is expected of it".

pic of the cute prof Galileo ^-^ :

facebook etiquette

i only realised very recently that it is polite in facebook to wish friends happy birthday on their birthdays, write individual thank you messages back when u receive good wishes on yours, and wen someone writes you something on the wall you need to reply back not on your own wall but on theirs.

so sori to all those kind ppl who previously wrote me messages but never heard from me again.
and nowadays i am endeavouring to remember to wish ppl happy birthdays on facebook whenever i log on. but i think i will stop doing that wen i become sick of facebook, a time which i suspect will come very soon.

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.