prof Galileo

just finished watching Galileo episode 6....
Yuka-sensei is sooooo cute...

the story is about a otaku-ish uni physics professor helping a female inspector solving crimes. His nickname is "eccentric Galileo".
nothing exciting at all abt the physics... reali just for the general population, and i mean the reali "general" population.
but the show is reali carefully made and the actors r reali good.
*still drooling over the cute prof in the show and wanting to go into a uni to check out all the physics profs*...
no worries, i will come bk to reality wen i see lots of balding ojisans with elevated BMI.

anywayz, was reading abt intellectual disability and failing to memorise important bits made me feel very intellectually disabled.
i really think:
intellectual disability could simply mean "your brain falling short of wat is expected of it".

pic of the cute prof Galileo ^-^ :


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