watever i say

Whatever I say to ppl, sometimes i need to say them to myself.

Just scratched my car really badly 1 hour ago.
Now in the agonising process of waiting for dad to be home to break the news.
and i noe that although mum is far away in shanghai, her wrath is going to be very stirred up as soon as the news reaches her.
she has an obsession that no mistakes ever should be made by anyone.
I fear my blog has turned into a grumblog like the one sally used to have.

Just had a visit to bou-chan's blog before, and saw the encouraging message i wrote her 2 days ago:
"watever troubles and agony you are going through, just remember that from them, beautiful flowers will blossom one day"
so yeh, watever i say to people, i really need to say to myself.


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.