
been re-reading The Monarch Book of Sins & Virtues.

today turned upon a page... about sloth:

By Jerome K. Jerome(1859-1927)
I like idling when I ought not to idling; not when it is the only thing I have to do. That is my pig-headed nature. The time I like best to stand with my back to the fire, calculating how much I owe, is when my desk is heaped highest with letters that must be answered by the next post. When I like to dawdle longest over my dinner, is when i have a heavy evening's work before me. And if, for some urgent reason, I ought to be up particularly early in the morning, it is then, more than at any other time, that I love to lie an extra half-hour in bed.

very truthful...

theologically, sloth is defined as "being careless towards the things of God".

i probably should quote no more... its a terrible thing wen i know all these stuff, and then go back and procrastinate more like these words never had any effect on me.


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