prophesy(quote, unquote) 2

from 2009:

masha has a new album. on the album cover he has this new 2-min-noodle hairstyle.
i am so horrified that i cant even decide whether i can still like him or not.
surely someone with such horrible taste... >.<.........
or maybe his new album will be so good that i can overlook everything else. ^-^

yep i got so turned off by 2min noodles that i didnt listen to Keshin until like end of last year.
And even to my own surprise, Keshin is now my favourite Masha song. The song was so good that even 2min noodles became very appealing indeed.
and now I have to pay for my superficiality. First edition of that album was all....SOLD OUT~~~~ -__-|||||


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