
Much needed positive energy once in a blue moon. XD From Ryomaden by Ryoma's dad:

I have seen different versions of the same line that had shrinky buzz words here and there but sounded no better than any average chicken soup for the soul. Good translation makes a huge difference. It is so simple and powerful and probably even surpassed the original Japanese I don't know...
Well I am lost for words... I don't know how to translate this into English without compromising its beauty... T_T

anyways watching Ryomaden a bit more systematically at the moment. it is tedious and long but abounds in positive energy so hopefully it can lend me a crutch through some current covering difficulties and upcoming loss and abandonment issues lol.
still not planning to watch the last episode, can't bear to see Fukuyama Ryoma being hacked to death. T_T
and trying not to be too harsh about Masha's bad acting this time round too... lol


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