Happy stuff--Nippon Fever 2

Well lets talk about happy stuff...

the very wonderful Fukuyama Masaharu... as mentioned many times before in my blogs...
lovely prof Galileo turns 40 this year. really looking forward to his Yogisha X no Kenshin--The Sacrifice of Suspect X. =D

next... Muroi-san!!! played by Yanagiba Toshiro. hmm... quite.. old and ugly but i still love Muroi-san from Odoru Daisousasen. =D

next... a recent obsession. Sakai Masato is so beautiful in period dramas... here is him on the left, playing the most memorable Okita Souji in "When the Last Sword is Drawn".

and lastly... my most favourite Maya Miki:
she is so beautiful and talented... *starry eyes* and she is 44, her favourite pastime is eating hotpot... O.O i wish i can look half as beautiful as her even now...
dreaming to be such a beautiful aunty wen i am middle-aged.. =D


Anonymous 10:08 AM  

awww... very pretty photos (at least in your eyes anyway)... You sure have a thing for the older age group... anyone above 40, right? Yeh i wish I could look half as beautiful as she is when i'm 44, holding LV, Gucci bags, pushing the prams at davidjones, having coffee at coco black... TIFF is Dreaming.

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