
i haven't been watching the olympics... but...
masha is in beijing interviewing jap swimmers. some pictures:

and apparently some ppl spotted him shopping in some beijing shops. O.O
i wish i could be in beijing just to spot him in the crowd... *starry eyes*

anyways after 2 months of frequent nausea and dark mood and wanting to make everyone feel miserable... mum finally went to endoscopy and discovered she has a small sliding hiatus hernia.
she checked her chinese medical disctionary and now adamantly believes that she has a hole in her oesophagus... "its a hole its a hole its a hole!" she tried to convince me by emphasizing > 10 times. *who on earth did that horrid translation... >.<
anyways i hope this nausea and dark mood and making everyone feel miserable will end soon. i really hope to have more patience but this week i am really losing it. >.<


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