Aging grace

Went on clinical placement yesterday, wasn't too exciting. With a female doctor who is not reali that kind or jolly happy.... but she is quite skillful in dealing with difficult patients... Remind me a bit of Dr Asada from Team Medical Dragon....
Yes i think although would be a bit scary... but i definitely would enjoy learning from a doctor like Asada, rather than the more professionally compassionate but distant doctors.
So yeah: a dream for clinical school... get to know a doctor like Asada and follow him/her around to learn stuff...^0^
In the afternoon went to a nursing home to check up on 2 residents... 1 is really depressing: has Parkinsons and also a malig BCC which she denied that she has... the doctor tried to tell her but she was just like.. you ppl r joking, i don't believe you... and she laughed it off......
the other lady is much more pleasant.. having dementia...she yet is still so optimistic abt life... enjoying chocolates..... getting ppl in to do her nails for her.. And most amazing is when her daughter visits her(the daughter knows the doc as well) and start to tell us about her own husband who just recovered from a serious illness... and suddenly the mum...lying on bed said to her daughter... you know why he wasn't feeling that bad during the whole thing??? because I was praying for him!!!
Soooooooooooooooo............. sweet! *imagine yn's hearts flying around the room and undergoing binary fission that moment*
Then when we were waiting outside the room for the doctor to chat to the patient.. i saw an old guy sitting with head downcast, very silent and still.. near the doorway in the courtyard..... As soon as the thought 'the embodiment of life wasting away' cross my head.... i suddenly remembered Sherlock Holmes and Saitou Hajime....
What happened to them in their old days?
Sherlock retired to Sussex and became a beekeeper...... but at the end of his days.... was he so silent.. immobile and so vulnerably in need of care? And being an incurable Sherlockian romantic as i am.. the old guy may well be Sherlock..... retiring to a place no one knows.... doing nothing yet knowing that he has done so much...
And Saitou Hajime (he is a real historical figure) the fiece and capable Shinsengumi captain who lived by his motto Aku Zoku Zan(Evil Just Kill)...... in face of all failures... shame.. danger... loss..... betrayal.... and never gave up his belief.... what happend to him in his old age?
He became a cleaner, together with his wife.... at an early 20th century female university in Tokyo....
But if he still has his memories..... Saitou is still Saitou.... Shinsengumi 3rd division captain...
and i was a bit touched at the thought of that....


Unknown 8:39 PM  

Hi Yi-Ning, it's my terrible regret that I haven't been looking at your blog. I felt as though I've been out of your life for a few months. but its' all good now. I've read a few of your recent postings. I'm more updated now! i've changed my url to

So, please change your "LINK". THANKS!

SS 4:03 PM  

What is this Dr Asada thing? It sounds interesting - u must show me sometime!!

=) Sally

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