bad paranoia

yesterday talking with ppl on msn and when my hand was feeling around my neck i suddenly felt a small round pea like prominence on the left side of my neck.... got freaked out and started to ask adrian about lymph nodes.... he kind of diagnosed and said it should be fine..... infection type swelling..
and sally diagnosed something similar as well....
but the prob is that i dun normally get swollen lymph nodes for infections... and the lymph node is not tender as it should be...
but yeh slept early...
and 2day in the morning studied for some pbl... the learning issue being examination of the lymph nodes... reali didn't help... read abt all the comparison btw infection and malignancy.... then just got so paranoid feeling over the prominence over and over again.. is it moving, not moving??? why is it not tender since it should be tender in infections?? isn't it a bit bigger than yesterday??? how come its not going away.......
so yeh... got really really really paranoid that i couldn't even function properly.... even thinking up about all the possibility of cancers and how scary would it be if i end my life so young without any contribution to ppl..
so yeh... our family already have a tendency to be paranoid abt health status.. while as my water half-bucket knowledge of medicine... kind of exacebates this paranoia tendency... really not a gd thing......
either i will hav to study more.. or reali force a stop on this paranoia......


yi wei 3:13 PM  

hmm... i think the way to overcome our fears is to be assured that nothing can happen to us of which God has not allowed....for we are in His hands....and also...God will never take us away until we have finished what He intended us to be or to do...that's all....

Unknown 2:32 PM  

aiya YN!!! hope it gets better.. must be worrying yeh? lay down your problem at His feet...

SS 6:49 PM  

Not your thyroid, is it?


P.S. Seriously, I had a lil non-tender lymph node enlargement jus behind my ear too, like it actually formed a bump almost over the bone... but it went away. Go see the GP if ur worried tho... you've got nothing to lose by doing that.

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