Procrastination(courtesy of

decided to fast from North and South for a day 2day... perhaps the best i can manage. the music stuck in my head is getting a bit annoying. and i seriously waste time thinking abt it... when i take a nap i really hoped that i could be lying on the country lawn under the gentle sunshine in Helstone... daydream daydream.......
it has been quite amazing especially during the exam period... seems that everytime i waste time too much i get an encouraging email from someone...which gets me motivated again(unfortunately not for long) some of them rather unexpected.... this really is a time that i am receiving so much love from ppl. it seems that only now i realised how many friends i have... *sweat* (sori yn is very retarded)


Unknown 8:37 AM  

i dun get it... how could you name this entry "retarded"? You're not retarded...

you haf to show me the song some time!!

Unknown 10:32 PM  

Good luck with yours! though cardio-resp exam... not as bad as micro/immuno/oncology!!!

Enough of procrastination. I better... go and....... sleep @_@

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