
ha... finally some time to breath...
sense of accomplishment is just...good....
and managed to move my xanga chinese blog all the way to msn spaces now...
and just want to say i fell in love with green in the past few weeks.. normally i would go for black or grey or blue or watever..
but no... this time it is green, and reali green.
even made my qq skin green as well.
if interested please visit:
and thanx to all my wonderful concerning friends...
I am much better now... and yes I do eat full meals 3 meals a day.
even chao said I eat more than him for breakfast. ^0^


SS 10:15 PM  

Yeah - green is great! The greeness in nature really makes me marvel at God's good creation!...

Chao 12:15 AM  

that's becaue i'm on a constant diet :P
you should eat 5 meals a day. just like the hobbits from lotr :)

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.