
When i was downloading manga 2day suddenly got a fone call.... 1st wasn't sure who called... then realised its 1st yr uni gal who's a family friend's daughter... i helped her a bit with umat and study skills during her exam period, haven't contacted her at all after her yr 12 exam... so thought its just so "RANDOM" that she contacted me again...
the reason why she called was just amazing... 1 minute into the fone call she was like: i heard u go to church, can you bring me to church sometime? *though still sounding polite and calm.... yn's heart already underwent binary fission and went flying around the whole room* ^0^
like the term we like to use..... it just sounds so "RANDOM" to me...
then i talked to her mum.... who said her daughter after going to uni starts to get very interested in Christianity.... she mention once about wanting to know more about Christian stuff several wks ago...... and her mum was like: oh yeh she's just saying it.... but then she mentioned to her mum again yesterday, and her mum was like: man she is actually serious! then her mum was like: hey doesn't yi ning go to church all the time? why dun u call her?
*heart still in binary fission mode*
This definitely is not RANDOM... God planned it..... her friends who r Christians may have been praying for her, evangelising her..... but its just so amazing how God can work wonders even through secular interactions btw ppl!
More amazing is that since last wk my mum has been very worried abt my health and decided to ban me from late nite going outs.... last wk didn't go to yth grp.... has been worried for quite a while whether she will be ok with me bringing up going to yth grp again......
but here we r.... the gal wants to come to yth grp, and mum was like: oh yeh bring her this Saturday!
I don't know what to say about His plan.
Praise the Lord.


yi wei 9:00 PM  

wahha!!! yeah....glad to hear that...tells us again how great God is! =)

(btw, shud have fusion sometimes instead of fission...haha....)

Unknown 6:36 PM  

wa wa wa wa wa.......

Yi-NING! that's fantastic news!!!

Wah..... I just don't know what to say. PRAISE GOD! Sometimes we abuse the word "random", i think. It's not random. It's all in a Perfect Plan.

I just get so blown away by every little thing that God does.

Just be the Yi-Ning you are, I'm sure that girl will see something different about you! Something that can only come from an Almighty Power!!

Super happy for you, Yi-Ning!! Also happy for the kingdom of God. great that your mum asked you to go to church, hey? haha...

SS 7:16 PM  

Yeah, really encouraging to hear your story, YN! God is truly awesome!!

Can I chip into the fission/fusion debate? The heart is mainly made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Since they are lighter than iron, fusion of your heart would release energy, whereas fission would be difficult and consume energy.
But I suppose you need at least two hearts before you can do fusion. =p lol - jus realised the amusingness of this last sentence...

YN 8:28 AM  

lol....no wonder... coming from someone who already has heart fused with another.... ^0^
while mine is more akin to bacteria.. for infection purposes. LOL Need some bacterialcidal antibiotics...LOL
PS Thanx for commenting everyone!

SS 9:48 PM  

=p oh, so it's the bacteria on your heart that are doing binary fission... learn your microbiology girl!

=p =p =p

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