More on Eaglewood Dust

Saw Jill on the net yesterday. As soon as she saw Eaglewood Dust on my msn name... she was like: hum.. u still obsessed about Slamdunk? and I was like '??? huh???' then she was like... eaglewood..... hum the sound is the same but the words slightly different. and i was like more '???? huh???'
Then she explained to me: Eagle is 'ying', wood is 'mu'... and 'ying mu' is the chinese name of the Slamdunk main character Hanamichi Sakuragi. And i was like WOW........ i didn't even realise that myself. Ingenius!
but yeh..... i didn't think that far or complicated.. eaglewood is a type of chinese plant used for incense.... so eaglewood is really 沉香...
Something very inspiring i read today in God's Treasury of Virtues:

God's Heroes
To fill a little space because God wills it; to go on cheerfully with the petty round of little duties, little avocations; to accept unmurmuringly a low position; to be misunderstood, misrepresented, maligned, without complaint, to smile for the joys of others when the heart is aching; to banish all ambition, all pride, and all restlessness, in a single regard to our Savior's work; he who does this is a greater hero than he who for one hour storms a beach, or for one day rushes onward undaunted in the flaming front of shot and shell. His works will follow him. He may be no hero to the world, but he is one of God's heroes.
-F.W. Faber


SS 9:02 AM  

Hey that God's Heroes bit is really encouraging and inspiring!

Thanks ;-p


Anonymous 4:56 PM  

Thanks for that, I often struggle with being at peace with a small role to play.


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.