I for Integra

Today was selling sushis as usual... when a customer came... and looked exactly like Integra... the same ash blonde hair... long face, blue eyes, and glasses, the glasses! *got very excited* the only setback being she was wearing a singlet rather than the khaki suit... *sob* More disappointing was that her bf looked nothing like Alucard... lol Why would any sane decent human beings look like Alucard anyway for that matter...
well been a while since i did any anime commentary... jumping to H gives me my fav anime Hellsing... (there is an ongoing manga for it but very crude and whimsical...) While the anime is really very well plotted... that although the anime only have 13 episodes the characters become so richly real... To call this a vampire flick is prob a very crude understatement... i c it as an unique window showing human values and emotions in a very profound but interesting light.
To cut a long story short.. Integra is the heiress of the Hellsing family(vampire killer)... while Alucard is her employee,protector, confidant...
And if u still haven't done so before... spell Alucard backwards.. and u will see something interesting. LOL


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