
Sat nite... finished work... finished tutoring.. now trying to relax before i have to prepare for kids church stuff..
boss was having an anxiety attack at work... cos we r majorly short of people.... i was thinking that to say i quit now is pretty bad... so i actually told him i am free friday afternoon even though i hav pbl..... but for some reason he didn't put me there! Praise the Lord! i was so happy that i dun have to skip anything.....
looking bk to this hols.. although i am like majorly tired with commitments.. although my job is not so well paid.. its far and i get bathed in oil everyday.. but I am just so thankful.. that i hav a job... boss is nice... working enviro friendly.. and seriously... very glad that as a med student who start early at irregular times... fixed timetables... and lots of can'ts... boss still allow me to work.....


yi wei 10:47 PM  

well...just make sure u dun overwork urself too... get enough rest... =)

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.