Awesome Encourager

Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God
i reali dun even know how to start this blog... But God is reali so real and so amazing...
saturday b4 i leave for uth grp.... saw my parents watching a vcd of a famous old Buddhist monk preaching..... then i heard he said sth 'Christian' so sat down and watched a while...
wat i am abt to relate is 100% true....
the monk was saying that once some buddhists got converted to Christianity.... and he went to attend their baptism.... he said at the end of the service he went up to the pastor... and said: oh yeh i thank u so much that u made those ppl Christians... he said the pastor thought he was sarcastic but he was genuinely happy for them...
he goes on saying: we Buddhism went on for abt 3 thousand yrs... u guys went on for 1998 yrs(it was 1998 at the time) and we have lots of bad ones within us, and i guess u hav lots of bad ones too... the reason why these ppl convert to ur religion is that because they start off being the rubbish from us.... so i just want to thank u for cleaning away our rubbish for us......
And like soap opera..... u can hear laughter so constantly in the audience throught his preaching.... especially when he mentioned 'rubbish'.....
my dad was watching it... at the time i couldn't even describe wat i think.... cos he always accuse us Chrstians being so narrow-minded and couldn't accept other religions......and i know if i lose my cool, try to argue and convince him thats not the true, it will turn him further away from God.... he wil just say u Christians can't even take a joke....then how can u take ur left cheek when ppl hit ur rite cheek.....
i was so shaken but i pretended i was ok.....just finishin doin my stuff and going bk to my room... and i was so careful to control my emotion even when inside my room cos he will be driving me later for uth grp....and i want to still talk to him 'normally' and not lose control....
but wat i truly feel: i see the monk in tv......i just want to go up and smash the tv.. he is realy satan..... now matter how mild and gd deed doing he is.... i can just c satan speaking... and my parents r watching that....inside the house.. of Satan insulting God...... when i knelt down for a prayer i just felt so powerless...
it reali was a bit of disillusionment too.... cos i was born in a quite hardcore buddhist culture.. and even when i became Christian, i always respected Buddhism and Buddhists.... but it just is reali sickening when the monk in previous 'sermons' always emphasize: all religion in the world r the same... if u believe in is the same as believing buddha..... and here he is.... so bluntly insulting Christianity... no more mr nice guy huh?
To be honest I was reali reali reali shaken...
A good thing i was stil calm on the car, and when i got to uth grp.. it was a gospel nite, but for several reasons it was not so well organised as expected....... and 3 new ppl come..... only one i think is a non-Christian...
i was apathetic: thats just the way things r....
Knowing wat.... He really used the gospel nite to touch me and and give my heart a big big hug!
the P&W atmosphere was very passionate.... and one of the songs (the one i put at the start of the post) as i sang it i just felt my heart reali opened... and redirected to focus on Him, not on the world and its imperfection... the repetition really came as such a good worship to Him. The last song 'Big' also had the beautiful repetition: There is nothing my God cannot do... Very comforted...
Was more encouraged when we watched the video by Tom Pinpania(did i spell his name rite?hehe) a ex-Mafia who became a priest..... (now before the blog get too long i better keep thing brief) His testimony and experiences were reali inspiring.....should watch the video if u guys haven't seen it....
then rita and adam gave testimonies... so great.... to see them still in high school, yet have such a passion for God. Adam is almost a professional preacher by now..... so powerful when he speaks... abt his experience at Jumpstart, and how he made his decision to commit himself for full time mission and is preparing himself ever since.... and one thing he said i share here:
when we punch ppl, or be nasty to them, we usually feel bad... we know it will be painful for the other person...and more often then not we try to say sory, to make up by being nice or giving gifts.. but how many times we kick, punch and slap God by sinning.... He hurts he really hurts... and how can we pretend we don't know it???
Then ppl sang Here I am by Planet shakers, again..... the two lines: i will not be moved, i will stand for you.... pretty much brought tears to my eyes...
its just so hard to share my joy across the net and my poor english.... but God really comforted my and encouraged my so amazingly and miraculously 2nite....
Just made me realise: Gospel nites not only for non Christians..... perhaps we can benefit HUGE from them too!!!
And things dun need to be fancy... dun need to be so organised... even when we fall short..... when God works.......nothing can match!
i still rem myself last wk, sitting at franklin graham.... completely unexcited.... thinking: either something wrong with the event, or my spirituality reali has a problem.....
i dunno why.... but then everything just seems so unconvincing? the msg not convincing....ppl walking down not convincing.... worship music not convincing.... spirtual lethargy?
Well God touched my heart, not only touching, but a big hug....
realised..... so easy to lose focus on Him.... while reali.... the world doesn't matter, Satan is defeated already,and reali only why do i need to focus my eyes on anything else but Him? Jesus born all the world's sin and evil... but all these die.......while He will rise! God is true, God is real, God is the Way... then who can argue against that? and God reigns! so who can insult Him...
I am so grateful for this whole much He blessed me, encouraged me and strengthened me through this, and also how much He blessed me...... in everyday in everything...

My God is big
So strong so mighty
My God's plan for me
Goes beyond my wildest dreams
My God is good
He's so good to me
My God is big
So strong so mighty
My God is good
He's so good to me

He's my God and
He is my refuge
He's the rock on which I stand
He's my fortress
God, He is my life
He holds the oceans in His hand
My God is Big
So Strong so mighty
My God is good
He's so good to me
There's nothing my God cannot do


SS 7:45 PM  

Praise God!


And thanks that he's making you a great encourager too...

=) Sally

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.