
Was revising Onmyoji these few days... and read a very sweet article inspired by Abe no Seimei:
i reali agree with the last paragraph.... sometimes the greatest gift we can give to friends, is to waste time with them...


Anonymous 11:29 PM  

jus wondering...u really type out all the chinese characters or that you see it online and copy & paste?

FLuFFy_BuG 2:58 PM  

agreed - sometimes it's simply priceless to enjoy spending time with someone and not have to discuss something "meaningful"... in fact, trying to put meaning or purpose into interaction can cause more trouble than it's worth, and can take away from the magic of simply and purely enjoying one's company...

that's one of the highlights of friendship - that you don't need to do anything or say anything... it just is... and you could be having the time of your life ;p

sometimes, i guess i'm guilty of this too, we think too much and feel driven and pressured to "achieve" (i don't know what the right word is - but i'm trying to say that we shouldn't get frustrated at "wasting time" or "not achieving anything" or "having no purpose")... we need to jus lay back and allow ourselves to enjoy the simple fact of life, of existence, without feeling this pressure... after all, times like this really can remind one of the true meaning of life, to celebrate God and His creation!!!


SS 7:42 PM  
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SS 7:43 PM  

You can understand that, Dave?
It's true what you say - tho it's an inevitability, too, that life becomes more and more complicated as you get older... as a child your world is simply your parents, school and a few friends... nothing much to worry/think about besides that...

... whereas, as an adult there are so many more elements you need to balance, e.g. friends, relationships, family, work, study, other responsibilities, etc....... and balancing adequately is difficult so that to achieve such a balance one needs to be mindful of it constantly. I do think tho, that despite all the conflicting demands for our time, we should devote our full attention to whatever we do at the time - i.e. do that as though it's the ONLY thing there is...

About childhood friendships, I agree they're really lovely and innocent, but can't help wondering how many pple you know at age 5/6 you are actually still friends with now? I feel that I value my current friendships so much more, as they are not just results of chance (e.g. neighbours, classmate, family friend) but actually reflect our own choosing and identity, and so are more meaningful... and also, perhaps the time demands of adult life enhance rather than take away from the meaning - so if someone gives you their time now, you know they are giving you something that is extremely precious and valuable to them - is that not more worthwhile than them spending time with you when they have lots and lots of free time?

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