spiritual lethargy

i hate to be firm and decisive with ppl... the most recent incident went through is quiting work..... went through so many inner struggles before i told my manager that i want to quit after this wk.. was so happen abt it afterward... in fact not so much about job quitting but abt how i actually said it and everything was fine...
until yesterday... when my manager was like. surely 1nce a wk won't be too much yeh? quit when u reali can't handle it ok? and knowing me i just smiled and be polite and said yeah sure.........which means more decisive work need to be done in the future.. and i absolutely hate it........
am i doing too much? or i am just being lazy and try to be easy on myself when God reali want me to be trained up in multitasking in life?
Which is also related to wat happened today.....
Went to CU public meetings 1st time this semester.... prob my last semester to be able to go... ppl were signing up for bible study small grps... when sally asked me 'wat grp r u signing up? i am going to the thursday one. ' for some very strange reason i am just completely unenthusiastic about small grp...... not thursday. not tuesdays either... and it came pretty much as a shock to me that i actually thought that... and so firmly as if its just another commitment of annoyance hard to shake off......
is it because i am doing too much? or because i just want to be lazy? And most of all..... is it a warning to me that i am becoming spirtually lethargic?
i can say this semester i am pretty stressed.... but still quite happy up to now...... most of my stresses came from not having enuf tym for studying..... but when i actually hav a whole day free to do work..... i end up wasting time..... like usual....
just scared that this semester is becoming like the rest of them.... very satisfying in all other aspects.. yet always looking back and thinking having put in enuf effort at actual med stuff... half effort, half understanding.. half everything......
must pray.


FLuFFy_BuG 4:28 PM  

hang in there, yn... i think u are not alone in experiencing this kind of spiritual tiredness, but hopefully in times to come, u can reflect on this period as one in which u grew, and were strengthened thru ur struggles...

surely God will give you back your enthusiasm, and you will emerge from this time renewed and ready to do what God has planned for you...

now, perhaps, you may need a rest to pray, and simply reflect... dwell in God's word, and pray that the pressures placed on you be lifted and submitted to God... you have always been a great example to me of what God can do in a person, so keep this in mind!!!

hopefully those of us who share your love for God can pray for you also in your time of hardship and need... and may God rain his blessing upon you always...


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