things resolved.. plus Curtis and Emily

late at nite.... but still decided to post 2day... Thanx so much dave for all the encouraging words.^^ And thank u all for ur prayers! *yn bows*
went to work 2day... ppl just got so crazy and all decided to have chick and beef pieces swimming in oil for lunch.... anyway... but then...
my manager asked me: say if i found someone able to work.. do u still want to work Wednesdays... and i, still trying to be polite, said,'preferrably not...'
And she said ok, and didn't put my on any shifts!!!! ^0^ so basically i got off work... i am so happy....
Leaving me more time to focus on study, on church commitments.... and also be able to reali think about joining a bible study grp. ^0^ Praise the Lord!
Had youth grp 2nite and also had bible study, and XiaoZhen was our grp leader! ^0^ I still remember the 1st time i went to church... and she talked to me... with a big smile that was so beautiful and infectious... Not exaggerating, my heart was truly warmed at the time... definitely something that helped me to make my that i look back.
On an interesting side note.... i love the shop Suga... since it was just rite across where i work in southland...... i always go there after work... looking for cheap, badly shaped lollies thats on sale on the trolley.... 2day found a big chunky bag for 1.80... heheheh... when i looked at it clearly beyond its food qualities.. i realised... that a guy called curtis ordered them to be made for a girl called emily.. for it inscribes in the centre of all the lollies: curtis loves emily.
not to comment on the quality of a love declaration like that.. but
reali got me thinking....... actually a very nice thing the curtis guy has done... not only is emily benefiting..... the shop made a profit... at least 3-4 more consumers managed to get cheap Suga lollies... Then also thinking: should we feel guilty.... cos curtis prob just intended this love for emily?
having said that... i am just sitting in front of comp... enjoying the lollies without any sense of remorse... *evil grin*
on a more expensive note... (sori i am always so cheap.... *sob*) went to Swarovski.. something caught my eye.. and that instant i knew: THATS IT! Not only does it look nice... it actually has special meanings... and fits so well with the occasion.
LOL..... some of u know wat i am talking about la... ^^


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.