All for birthdays and weddings

Feeling much better 2day, but realised there are so many things I have to get done. Rushed off to chadstone myer 1st thing in the morning... for a skirt to wear at a friend's wedding in January. Since i don't wear skirts i don't own skirts and i don't like buying them..*sigh*. But finally in the end found a beautiful jag skirt at richmond for just 30 bucks. Phew............. big prob solved. ^0^ All happy now.^0^
Once again... birthdays r coming up. always go broke around peak seasons feb, may and nov... even more terrible this year is that the majority are 21sts.... *sweat* already know wat to get for irene and 2day saw a strawberry and cream tea pack at T2 that has this absolutely beautiful aroma, which i noe will be perfect for chris. For the rest... wait till i shop a bit more..... *runs away*
And... hopefully can go again before all the sales end to find a good wedding present... *sweat*


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.