
Had a banana last nite and then felt my stomach being turned... Woke up this morning with stomach ache, a fever, joint soreness, and a very dizzy head. self medicated but now housebound. A good thing really, so i won't be running around feeling compelled to do things. got myself a hot water bottle and had a beautiful nap this morning around 10... so good. ^^ Now tidying up a few things on the net.
better take a nap again to ensure full recovery...


SS 10:53 PM  

Hey, I don't think you should blame it all on the banana... ;-p

What's this thing everybody's got against bananas? Even my sister has started not liking bananas 'because of their smell' - and she used to eat heaps of 'em!

I almost feel myself getting turned off by bananas, surrounded as I am by so many banana-haters!

lol, Sally

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