Peace again

Been reading about peace in devotion these days. some very inspiring messages i just would like 2 share with all of u.
By Billy Graham: We have our peace movements, and all we want is peace--abroad and at home. But if by peace we mean appeasing tyranny, compromising with gangsters and being silent because we haven't the moral fortitude to speak out against injustice, then this is not real peace. It is a false peace. It is a farce and it is a hoax.
Another one about the story of a boy lost his ring.. and was praying. His sister came along and asked him will praying bring u bk the ring? and His reply: Perhaps not, but praying has done this for me; it has made me quite willing 2 do without the ring if it is God's will; and is not that almost as good as having it?
Now that is peace. ^^


SS 11:14 PM  

Hey that's a really nice story, Yi-Ning... it's something I can identify with, I think.

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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.