
Feel heavy hearted 2day... after reading a friend's email... almost cried but then decided to stop being so stupid. She shared with me not so that i could go all emotional and pity her misfortune. More importantly i know she wants me to understand her experience not as a misfortune, but a trial that she is going through and which she will be able to overcome. *sigh..... so much of me trying to make it all melodramatic....*
one of those days when i get reali annoyed at myself for being so petty... getting angry with my mum for getting angry about me wanting to spend NYE with friends... and freaked out at work thinking i mite get fired b/c boss ignored my when i said bye to him... *sigh*... really need to grow up more, a lot more... ^^
Asking around if anyone can help me to find any Bible verses that deal with pettiness.. Thanx. ^0^


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.