In Him I have confidence

lol Got my results 2day... and thinking a bit about it. Looking bk 2 the way I had come I feel very peaceful now. (hopefully not apathetic..hehe) Still remember the time in Yr 12 when I got a B+ for a chem sac and was in a pitiable prostrate state 4 whole 2 wks calling irene up so constantly to pour out my miseries and fears... And guess it is really something to be thankful that I have walked far from there. ^0^
Now at uni i tend 2 slip 2 the other extreme. i easily get into this conceited attitude thinking I have much better things to do, and bury urself in the books to aim for marks and the satisfaction associated with it is a pretty sad thing.
But I just want 2 thank the Lord for placing me in medicine. For slowly I realise that i should study and i get guilt-stricken about not studying and feel sorry for my future patients who will be the ones suffering. Thanx to Him who knows sense of responsibility is probably the only way that can stir me up 2 study my course.
but yeh thanx to Him that now even that my results still reflect my very poor knowledge and all the time wasting episodes I could remember. * yn tend 2 conjure up horrid images of patients she can't cure due 2 her lack of knowledge. * BUT I KNOW He has placed this certainty in my heart. Over these 2 years He has really taught me ways to improve my learning habits, and I know that if I follow closely to His guidance He will adequately prepare me for the future. However weak I am, in Him I have confidence.
The 2 verses in Psalm 139 reali touched my heart 2day. (copy and paste from Dave's blog actually...*grin*)
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.


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Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.